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The New Customer Experience

By: Sal Corrente Regional Sales Director It’s that time of the year. The time of year so many health club operators have been waiting for – ‘the busy season’. For many, it’s the make or break time that you rely on to drive your membership numbers up to a level that provides growth and profitability… Continue reading The New Customer Experience

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5 New Health Club Software Features That Will Keep Your Club Running Smoothly

While advancements in technology are designed to ease our world, the truth of the matter is that these advancements can do just as much to overwhelm us. This is true whether we are discussing something as complex as software or as seemingly straightforward as an iPhone. At ABC Financial, we have recently launched several new… Continue reading 5 New Health Club Software Features That Will Keep Your Club Running Smoothly


Transform Negative Member Habits Into Positive Member Retention

Even if your members are committed to losing weight and feeling healthier, they may not realize that other lifestyle habits they engage in could negate the positives they are experiencing at your health club. Fortunately, you can leverage traditional prospect marketing techniques to reach out to new and current members alike that may be unwittingly… Continue reading Transform Negative Member Habits Into Positive Member Retention


Health Club Marketing Tips: Boost Club Membership with Content Marketing

  As we roll into a new year, the health club industry is expected to continue its fast track of growth. This growth doesn’t just include membership (although that number is expected to rise, due to more people pursuing health lifestyles—IBISWorld), it also encompasses the increase in clubs using health club management software, and the… Continue reading Health Club Marketing Tips: Boost Club Membership with Content Marketing

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Health Club Marketing: Automate Your Twitter Account To Attract and Retain New Members

  Seems like the challenges of staying at the top of the health club field never ends – not only do you have to incorporate the best fitness management software, you need to find creative ways to recruit and retain your members 24-7.It’s enough to send any health club manager to the treadmill for a… Continue reading Health Club Marketing: Automate Your Twitter Account To Attract and Retain New Members

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