
Member Outreach Means Health Club Membership Retention

It’s much easier – and much more inexpensive – to keep current members coming back to your health club than it is to recruit new ones. Everyone at ABC Financial, and each of us that contribute to this blog, are aware of this basic membership retention truth. We are also aware of how frightening it… Continue reading Member Outreach Means Health Club Membership Retention


5 Health Club Programs Built For Summer Membership Retention

What is it that causes health club membership retention rates to dip in the summer – higher dues, fewer programs offered – or just that general summer feeling? Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do to combat the latter. Price and programs, on the other hand, is a different story. In an earlier post, I… Continue reading 5 Health Club Programs Built For Summer Membership Retention


Transform Negative Member Habits Into Positive Member Retention

Even if your members are committed to losing weight and feeling healthier, they may not realize that other lifestyle habits they engage in could negate the positives they are experiencing at your health club. Fortunately, you can leverage traditional prospect marketing techniques to reach out to new and current members alike that may be unwittingly… Continue reading Transform Negative Member Habits Into Positive Member Retention