T&C | Canadian Merchant Code of Conduct Complaints

Canadian Credit and Debit Card Industry – Complaint Handling Process

It is the policy of ABC Fitness Solutions, LLC and its affiliates (ABC) to comply with the Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry (The Code of Conduct) by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), found at https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/industry/laws-regulations/credit-debit-code-conduct.html.

Pursuant to the Code, ABC has developed a merchant complaint handling process as follows:

If ABC cannot provide a final response within ninety days, an ABC representative will inform the Merchant of a new expected response time.

Step 1 – Initial Complaint

If a Merchant believes that ABC’s conduct may be contrary to any of the Merchant-Acquirer Policy Elements outlined in The Code of Conduct; the Merchant can file a complaint by completing the form below and submitting to Merchant@abcfitness.com.

ABC will acknowledge the receipt of a Merchant’s complaint within five business days, and our final response within ninety days. This response will include:

  • A summary of the complaint
  • The final result of the investigation
  • Explanation of the final decision
  • Information on how to further escalate the complaint

Step 2 – Escalation

If a resolution cannot be achieved via Step 1, the Merchant is asked to escalate the issue within ABC’s organization by emailing abcrisk&comp@abcfitness.com. This email should include the initial complaint and a summary of our response. The Merchant may also choose to escalate externally. The below will serve as points of external escalation:

Escalated Complaints: ISOEscalated Complaints: Acquirer
Worldpay from FIS
Ops Complaint Management
8500 Governors Hill Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45249

Phone: 1-800-548-5326 option 3 
Peoples Trust Company
95 Wellington St W Suite 1310,
Toronto, ON M5J 2N7 

Details on how to file a complaint by phone, email or regular mail is detailed at the link above.
Visa Canada

Fax: 416-365-6655
Online: askvisacanada@visa.com
Mastercard Canada
600 – 121 Bloor St. E.
Toronto, ON M1W 3W7
Attn: Code of Conduct Compliance

Call: 416-365-6655
American Express Canada

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
6th Floor Enterprise Building 427, Laurier Ave West

Phone: 1-866-461-3222

Complaint handling form for merchant complaints pertaining to the Code

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