
What Are Beacons And How Could They Impact Marketing For Health Clubs ?

  By Bryan K. O’Rourke, MBA You might have read the latest Wall Street Journal article  “Facebook Tests Bluetooth ‘Beacons’ to Feed Users Local Content”. This technology, termed “place tips”, is another example of the emerging digital presence concept, created by the ubiquity of smartphones continuously broadcasting user locations. Beacons so far have been tested… Continue reading What Are Beacons And How Could They Impact Marketing For Health Clubs ?


Your Gym Software Shouldn’t Be The Only Thing That Is Virus Free

When it comes to protecting gym owners from digital threats like software viruses, hackers and data miners, you know you can trust ABC Financial to keep your computer systems safe and secure. As a PCI Compliant service provider, our full-service technical support team works around-the-clock to keep your business up and running with updated gym… Continue reading Your Gym Software Shouldn’t Be The Only Thing That Is Virus Free


ABC Financial accepts Associate Member of the Year Award

By: Jennifer Hutchinson Marketing Manager- ABC Financial Due to decades of outstanding achievements, innovations and support of the health and fitness industry, ABC Financial was selected as the Associate Member of the Year at IHRSA 2014. Watch the video above to see Steve Ayers, ABC Financial Chief Revenue Officer, accept this prestigious award.


We are ABC Financial

Drawing from both background and experience, we’re able to help clients better understand their businesses and offer powerful insight into how they can put their goals within reach. Created by Jim Bottin as a solution to the billing and fitness club software needs of his own chain, the company’s client base soon expanded to additional… Continue reading We are ABC Financial

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Our New Health Club Software Features Help You Keep Your Classes Full

To help address this challenge, we’ve recently upgraded our health club software with some new key features designed to help your gym keep your classes as close to full as possible: Wait List. With Wait List, you can ensure all of your classes are fully utilized at all times. Here are some of the ways… Continue reading Our New Health Club Software Features Help You Keep Your Classes Full


How The Right Gym Software Helps Muscle Up Personal Training

You are likely using gym software to streamline financial reporting, track employee schedules, reduce delinquencies and check in members. But if you aren’t leveraging it to help your personal trainers improve their services, your gym – and your members – could be missing out. Here are 3 ways the right gym software can help you… Continue reading How The Right Gym Software Helps Muscle Up Personal Training

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