How to Retain Members

May 16, 2016

You’ve turned your prospect into a member, but now how do you retain that member for months or even years to come? Simply put, customer service and experience. By providing a one of a kind experience to your members and excellent customer service, you’ll excel at retaining members.

Let’s take a look into the types of experiences you should be providing your members. Be personal, you may not remember every single member’s name off the top of your head, but by paying attention to names as your members scan in on a daily basis you can get to know them better. Saying hi and naming a member by their first name as they scan in will make them feel welcome and part of your gym family. With ABC’s club management software Data Trak, it’s easy to see the basic information about a member right when they scan in. It can even alert you when it’s their birthday, and there’s no better feeling than when your birthday is acknowledged by your front desk staff.

Keeping your members involved and feeling part of a gym family isn’t as hard as it may seem. This can be done in the club, online, and even through a mobile app. By offering group fitness classes and personal training you can keep your members engaged on a more personal level. In today’s technological world, more often than not your members are on social media, which is also a great way to keep members engaged and informed. By posting relevant fitness content, special offers, updates to club events or classes and even sharing and tagging your member’s photos on Facebook or Instagram is a great way make them feel like part of a community.

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ABC offers a user friendly app that allows members to stay engage with your club from anywhere they are. With a branded app for your club you can send club news and special offers through push notifications, as well as start a fitness challenge that allows members to push themselves towards their fitness goals. Fitness goals can also be tracked through the app to help members keep track of their progress. Setting goals helps keep members focused and being able to monitor their success can encourage them to work even harder.

Are you ready to get engaged with your members? Start today by giving us a call to set up your free demo to learn more about our club management software, billing services and club app. Be on the lookout for more member retention and health and fitness tips by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

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