How Health Club Software Is Opening Up The Cloud To More Fitness Clubs

April 26, 2012

The challenge of running a busy club in 2012 looks a lot different than it did even 10 years ago. Today’s fitness clubs are more sophisticated than ever before. They’ve got the latest equipment, knowledgeable staff and primed operational capabilities. As more clubs learn the benefits of health club software, they’ve got more data flexibility, as well.

Thanks to technological advances, health club software puts cloud computing at the fingertips of health club management everywhere. Software as a Service (SaaS) makes it easy for clubs to manage the stores of data that come with large membership bases.

Through cloud computing, companies can access software programs, business applications and data from their computer via a web browser. The data is stored in the Internet “cloud” rather than on a company’s server, making it easy to grab the information anytime from anywhere by way of the internet. With SaaS, health clubs essentially lease web-based business applications on a subscription or pay-as-you-go basis without having to buy or maintain the software themselves. SaaS vendors, handle all maintenance and automatic updates.

Health Club Software via the cloud provides 5 key benefits to health clubs:

  1. Flexibility – Software is adaptable to clubs of all types and sizes.
  2. Stability – Complete member and financial data is available anytime, anywhere.
  3. Security – Data is protected in a secure, centralized database.
  4. User Friendly – Administrative controls make it simple for management to determine who has access to information.
  5. Customized Reporting – Detailed reports of all types can be customized to each health club’s unique criteria.

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In addition, the cost savings to health clubs can be significant. Purchasing sophisticated software is a sizable investment. However, in addition to the upfront cost, companies that elect to run their own programs must also deal with the expense of regular maintenance and updates.

However, health club software that runs through the cloud cuts the maintenance costs. Companies can obtain powerful, fully-featured software without having to pay licensing fees and obtain new hardware.

Through 2012, the health club industry is expected to see steady gains in membership (according to IHRSA). Those clubs that streamline their operations and manage their data most effectively will be the ones who are best able to take advantage of these positive trends. Will your club be one of them?

For more information on how health club software and the cloud can reduce costs, contact ABC Financial to request a demo.

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