4 Ways Gym Software Solves Gym Payment Issues
Are you struggling to get your gym members to pay? Investing in gym software could be your solution! Gym software automates tasks and tracks payments to prevent member payment challenges. Reminding your members to pay on time, using electronic payments, reviewing financial reports, and investing in gym software are simple ways to ensure your members pay on time. Listed below are 4 ways to solve your member payment issues with gym software:
Easy Online Access to Account Information
Giving members online access to manage their account information lets you focus your attention on member engagement rather than tracking down past due members. Member benefits include the ability to:
- Make and schedule payments
- Purchase and schedule personal training sessions
- See past due payments with payment reminder notifications
- Update billing information, giving the front desk staff more time to focus on member engagement
- Sign up for PT sessions
Encourage Members to Use Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) & Automated Clearing House (ACH)
Do you send your members invoices? Electronic payments make transferring money easier for both members and gym owners. Setting up an ACH to electronically transfer funds is as easy as having members enter their account and routing numbers or credit/debit cards to sign up for recurring monthly payments. An advantage to using a credit card for recurring services is the use of a credit card updater program through your gym management software. This enables gym software providers the ability to receive updated account numbers and expiration dates from credit card companies to keep their members information current. This program saves both gym owners and members’ time from calling, emailing or stopping by the gym to update credit card information.
Review Financial Reports
Running reports daily or weekly to understand delinquency is one step you can take to prevent member payment issues. A daily delinquency report can tell you information such as:
- Dues amount — amount of monthly membership due
- Late amount — amount past due
- Pay mode — form of payment (EFT, credit card, cash, statements)
- Next payment due date — date monthly payment is due
- Information on billing method and problem (declined payment, insufficient funds, expired card)
This information can provide the details needed to determine how many members have become delinquent. Understanding this information allows you to begin the process of contacting members to collect past dues.
Contacting delinquent members is time consuming for gym owners with large facilities. Outsourcing this to a collection agency is a cost-effective solution for handling collections. Some software companies have third-party vendor relationships that also provide cost-effective collections services.
Email automation and custom alerts are great ways to prevent member payment issues. With email automation, you can use the data from the financial reports you’ve created to send mass emails to past due members with payment reminders. As they enter the facility and check-in at the front desk, any custom alerts on their account will pop up. Below is an example of what an alert for a past due member looks like:
Gym management software enables you to provide members with the best experience inside and outside of your facility. From online access to register for group fitness classes to monitoring check-in activity, payment history, and billing information, members have complete control of their accounts.
Want to see how ABC Financial’s gym management software and payment processing services can save you time, reduce delinquency, increase profits, and grow your fitness center? Download our eBook to learn more!