The Importance of a Technical Support Team for your Club

July 5, 2017


Are you tired of worrying about computer problems? Whether you have a few software issues or you’ve been the target of a data breach, worry no more. At ABC, we provide a Professional Endpoint Services Agent (ABCPES) to assist with any computer problem that you may face.

ABC Professional Endpoint Services

Our technical support team is always a phone call away when you need them most. Our agents provide workstation maintenance and auditing, white list management, anti-virus and endpoint security options.

You’ll never have to worry about your front desk members surfing websites that are not allowed when they should be taking care of potential and current members. Our white list management allows for control of web surfing.

It’s possible the anti-virus software popped up reminding you to download the newest version and you got annoyed and ignored the pop-up. That’s okay, our ABCPES agent is here to ensure the software is up-to-date for you.

PCI Compliance is always at the top of our list. As a company, we follow all requirements to help protect all credit card data. Check out our blogs about PCI Compliance and our Disaster Recovery Plan for a more in-depth view of our security and recovery measures.

How does this benefit your club?

As cyber-attacks continue to strike, it’s important to protect your members’ data to ensure they continue to trust you with their personal information. This means the need for anti-virus and security software is imperative. We provide these security measures to you to make your day-to-day tasks easier and safer. By simply following these best practices and using our services your chances of a malware infection is greatly reduced.

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What services can you expect from an ABCPES agent?

  • Anti-virus
  • Virus removal and repair
  • Remote monitoring and audits
  • Windows update management
  • Cloud White List
  • Password recovery
  • Daily computer maintenance

We always strive to provide our clients with the best services to run their day-to-day business, which is why we can’t stress the importance of security enough. If you are interested in learning more about our ABCPES program, contact us today at 501-515-5000!

Stay up to date on health and fitness tips by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. To learn about our club management software and payment processing text DATATRAK to 87365, for Canadian numbers text to 88988.

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