Increase Product Sales by 25 Percent
How many times have you had a member that wanted to buy a drink or possibly more personal training sessions but had to put it off because they did not have any form of payment with them? ABC’s Card on File feature eliminates this problem.
With Card on File, you can store a member’s credit card information in the DataTrak software so that they will be able to make purchases without the hassle of having to carry their purse or wallet into the club. It’s as simple as pulling up the member in DataTrak, ring up the item being purchased and clicking the Card on File payment option. This runs a real time transaction so you know immediately if the card has been declined or cleared. Have the member sign the receipt and you are done.
With this feature, many clubs have seen their product sales grow as much as 25%. Not only does this increase your sales but it’s also a convenience that is greatly appreciated by your members. For more information about this feature and how to get set up, please contact your Account Executive for details.