How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

March 3, 2016

By: Ali Adcock

We all know that we should eat healthier, but for a lot of people their budget doesn’t allow for the expensive healthy foods. While it may seem that all healthy foods are expensive, we’ve found a way to work around that. Let us help you lead a healthier lifestyle by following the list we’ve complied of five ways to eat healthy on a budget.

Cook at home.

You don’t have to be Martha Stewart to learn how to cook a healthy meal at home. If you’re looking to save money and eat healthier, simply find the weekly specials at your local grocery store to cook your meals from scratch. By choosing fast food you are paying for the convenience of not having to cook and likely eating way more processed foods than you should. Shop your local farmers market for delicious fresh produce for a healthier and cheaper option.

Meal plan.

It’s easy to meal plan when you’ve found the weekly specials at your grocery store so you know exactly what’s on sale and can buy ahead of time. Take a day out of your week to grocery shop and meal plan. Cutting up and cooking meats and vegetables at the beginning of the week will allow you to eat healthier and save time from cooking every single night.

Buy store brands.

Buying store brands can save a significant amount of money over time compared to national brands. For the most part the ingredients are exactly the same, but it’s always good to double check just to make sure. Why not buy a product with the same ingredients for $.50 cheaper?

Always eat leftovers.

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Eating leftovers will ensure that you are not throwing away your hard earn money on perfectly good food. Try taking leftovers to work for lunch or make enough the night before to have leftovers for the whole family for the next night. Not only will this save you money, but it will save you time as well.

Drink more water.

Not only is water the heathiest option, it is also the cheapest option. Whether it’s bottled water or filtered tap water, choosing water over soda is the best option. Water has many other health benefits, but the key to saving money and staying healthy is water.

Now that you have the keys to a healthier lifestyle, we challenge you to make it your goal to follow these steps to a better you. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to stay up to date on health and fitness tips, as well as learn more about our club management software and billing services.