How Health Club Management Software Can Make Reporting & Operations Less Painful

July 25, 2012

Your locker rooms are sanitized and your towels are stocked. Your newest employee’s attendance record is perfect. And your quarterly membership reports are being generated easily and automatically. Did you pause – even for a moment – when thinking about whether the statements above describe your health club?

If so, it may be time to update the tools and software you trust to help you manage your club’s reporting and day to day operations. To be sure, ask yourself these 4 key questions.

1. Is Your Health Club Management Software Being Used For More Than Billing?

Any software trusted by your health club must provide you with the ability to harness all your resources at the highest efficiency levels.

Most gyms have integrated club management software for billing but the opportunities to streamline your operations far exceed collecting dues. Your software should give you control over multiple other actions such as check-ins, class scheduling, member retention and marketing.

2. Do You Know How Clean Your Locker Rooms Are?

More to the point, do you know how clean your locker rooms are – without looking inside them? You’ve got staff, you’ve got schedules, and the rest should take care of itself. However, you can know the state of your locker rooms more precisely through the reporting capabilities of the right health club management software.

3. Are Your Employees Coming In On Time?

Keeping tabs on the number of employees that help you keep your club operating efficiently is no easy task, especially when you manage multiple locations.

Yet detailed reports generated by the right health club management software can keep you updated on employee attendance and performance.

4. Do You Have Enough Bosus On The Floor?

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Not just bosus but bands, bars and balls – and yes, towels – all of your inventory can be tracked and kept at full force through club management reporting.

One of the essentials to fitness club enhancement is the ability to stay on top of all the tiny details in real time fashion. Customized reporting lets you choose those specifics you need to follow most closely.

Did you pass the test?

As the health club industry continues to boom, it’s essential that you understand how efficiently your club is operating on every floor, in every corner, and with every member and employee.

In order to do that, you’ve got to combine the best health club management software with the knowledge of how to use it to its fullest capacity.

To learn more about the capabilities of health club management software we offer, request a demo from ABC Financial.

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