Our New Health Club Software Features Help You Keep Your Classes Full

July 25, 2012

To help address this challenge, we’ve recently upgraded our health club software with some new key features designed to help your gym keep your classes as close to full as possible:

Wait List. With Wait List, you can ensure all of your classes are fully utilized at all times. Here are some of the ways the Wait List makes that possible:

  • Automatic wait list creation. Once a class is full, additional members who attempt to sign up are automatically placed on a wait list.
  • Keeping members aware of new openings. If space in a class opens up due to a cancellation, an email is automatically sent to all members on the wait list.
  • Easy sign-up process. Each email sent includes a link for members to enroll through MYiCLUBonline, our web-based gym software application. Your members can then sign up on their own without any assistance from your staff.
  • Wait list removal. If a member is suddenly unable to attend a class due to a schedule change, he or she can remove him or herself from the wait list.

Accelerated Services. With Accelerated Services, your members who want to purchase a specified number of sessions, but who also need to finance the cost over a period of time, will be more effectively served. Accelerated services allows you to:

  • Sell a block of classes at once. Instead of being limited to a certain number of classes or sessions per week, members can instead purchase a set number of sessions to use during a given time period, while still incurring the same monthly charge.
  • Pay any balances owed early. Our new Accelerated Services feature also allows your members to pay the full balance for classes they purchase without paying a penalty.
  • Offer unlimited plan flexibility. Members aren’t constrained to a certain number of classes or certain payment methods over restricted time periods. Instead, you can accommodate whatever works best for the member.

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When your classes are full, you’ll likely notice a difference in your health club’s bottom line through higher member retention rates and a corresponding increase in revenues. And what club owner can argue against that?

To learn more about the new Accelerated Services and Wait List features built into our health club software, request a demo.

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