Five Ways to Drive Your Club’s Performance

October 7, 2014

By: Will Phillips
Founder of REX Roundtables for Club Executives

It is easy to spot leaders by their club’s exceptional performance over many years.  It is hard to see their leadership practices.  We see their stunning facilities, meet their exceptional staff, and chat with their appreciative members.  But what they do as exceptional leaders is harder to see. Twenty five years of research in dozens of industries with three million managers has produced five answers.

These five leadership practices are skills that can be learned.  Anyone can learn these skills.  This is important because few do all five naturally.  You will never learn these skills in a book or a seminar; business schools do not teach them.  It is not that they are a secret, but they are a secret from you.

Wonder how those you lead see you?  Are you ever concerned your direct reports are not 110% engaged and committed? Do you think about getting more results with less work?  Do you think about how to be a better leader?   If you answered YES to even one of these, you are on your way to discovering the five secrets of great leadership.  Five skills you can develop that are most directly connected to improving performance.

When your whole club learns these five skills they are like a secret competitive advantage that a competitor cannot equal with a new facility, a lower price or rows of equipment.  A secret that is very hard to copy because most club leaders do not see it.

The leadership secret can be cracked open when you ask those you lead for feedback on how you lead.  Getting constructive feedback focused on the five skills that make a difference require a sophisticated assessment tool.  REX uses the LPI™ 360 Leadership assessment. It has 3 million users and decades of research. Simply the best leadership tool in business. Last March the day before the IHRSA Convention, 160 club leaders who had taken this assessment were debriefed at an in depth workshop based on their individual feedback from others in their clubs.  With the support of ABC Financial, REX was able to provide this world class leadership training at an exceptionally low cost.

The response was so overwhelmingly positive that in 2015 REX and ABC are offering this same program at IHRSA 2015 for all leaders in the club industry.  You will get constructive, honest feedback on how you lead and how to lead better.  It can double your productivity.    Effective leadership is not an inborn skill available to a select few. It is a set of five observable behaviors that, with deliberate practice, can help anyone become a better leader if you know where to focus and how to develop those skills.  That is the workshop March 10, 2015 in Los Angeles.

The Workshop provides:

  1. Honest, constructive feedback from your work colleagues.
  2. Focuses on business skills versus personality types and psychology.
  3. Encourages development of the 5 proven most effective leadership skills that drive club performance.

Assess your leadership strengths and solicit feedback from those you lead, work with and/or report to. The assessment is so refined it takes only 12 minutes to complete.

This is a powerful and precise way to learn the truth about how those you work with see your leadership behavior with constructive feedback. You will uncover opportunities for improving the effectiveness of your leadership and the performance of your club.

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To participate you must register for IHRSA and schedule your feedback in advance.  Click HERE to register.

Simply said, it was the best eight hours I have invested in learning in years.

—Jen Poljacik, River Valley Club, REX Member since 2010


REX (Roundtables for Executives) coaches 150 of the world’s best health clubs in ongoing Roundtables of 15 owner/executives. Each Roundtable meets three times a year no competitors with your peers-whether you are operating a single club, a regional chain, or a global corporation. A REX Roundtable with 3 meetings a year with the same small group of peers-no competitors and a master mind Trio with monthly accountability calls can help give you the competitive edge.

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