Does your gym need a spotter? ABC Financial’s club management software has your back.

October 2, 2014

These days you can do almost anything digitally, even handling your gym’s vital day-to-day management responsibilities and tasks with club management software. It seems that computers and adaptive technologies are steadfastly taking over the world and if you look away or blink for just one millisecond, you’re simply missing out on something new and innovative.

If you have yet to include this type of software into your gym, you’re missing out on the type of digital intelligence that has the ability to deliver comprehensive results while making your life a heck of a lot easier.

Why go digital?

Why not? Many people often hesitate to go digital for fear of security breaches and for fear of learning something new that appears intimidating or illusive. But have no fear, the DataTrak club management software is highly-secure and is guaranteed to make your life easier in the gym. How so?

Management software will make your life easier as a club owner or manager by centralizing all of your gym’s critical and sensitive data into one highly-secure database. This measure prevents and deters data corruption while the inclusion of comprehensive digital management solutions such as attracting and signing up new prospects to your gym takes just seconds or minutes.

With DataTrak, you’ll never have to worry about potential database failures or system crashes thanks to the included services of timely database maintenance and critical back-ups provided by ABC Financial. These additional services are completely complementary and are included with your new highly-intelligent software.

Take the Sweat out of Management with DataTrak’s Key Features

This is just a taste of what you can expect to experience with club management software:

  • Prospective Members: This feature allows you to instantly and easily enter new prospects and guests while assigning a designated salesperson and assigning a priority to each prospect and guest. Monitor conversion rates, track marketing campaigns and get to know prospects before converting them with ease.
  • Electronic Membership Agreements: Go paperless and save money with this great feature. Capture membership agreement signatures instantly and securely.
  • Member Check-In: Easily check-in members to the club with a simple bar code key tag, pin code, name search, or key fob. This makes the check-in process a breeze.
  • Member Management: View club members’ complete club history, access invoices, cancel or freeze memberships when necessary, update information and more, all in real-time.
  • Kid’s Club: With the Kid’s Club feature you’re able to attach a child to your valued club members with a simple picture of the club member and child for security purposes and verification purposes. This helps to monitor legal childcare limits, verify pick-up’s, and track attendance.
  • Inventory Management: Track vendors, unit cost, print UPC labels, create catalog items, re-stock and more with this easy-to-use hassle-free feature.
  • Schedule Management: Manage departmental calendars with ease and more.
  • Employee Management: Manage all of the gym’s employees instantly and easily with the employee management feature. Set security levels, figure commissions and group employees by gym departments and more.

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Disaster Recovery protects your system in the event of any type of disaster and PCI Compliancy ensures that your gym remains compliant at all times. For a full-listing of the DataTrak club management software, visit us here or request a brochure by giving us a call or contacting us online!

Are you ready to make life easier in the gym?

When you’re ready to give your gym’s management system an upgrade with ABC Financial’s DataTrak club management software, give us a call or contact us online. Upgrading to a digital management system will improve productivity, data security, and overall efficiency.

ABC Financial is an industry leader proud to provide digital solutions to clients that will help them to “better understand their business” by providing them with “powerful insight” and tools that will enable them to achieve their objectives and goals.

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