Email Campaigns – Top 5 Things You Need To Know
By: Bryan Smith
Product Marketing Manager
Next to keeping your clubs filled around the clock, one of the most important things a club should pay attention to is your customer service interaction. Your means of communicating with members is VALUABLE and should be treated carefully. Email has become one of the most effective ways to communicate with your members; however you could be making some big mistakes if you’re not watching out for the following five key things.
1. THAT’S WAY TOO MUCH INFO – Most clubs like to run promotions using email blasts, which is GREAT! The problem is most members may look at your email and trash it if they are overwhelmed by all of the information and busy graphics. Unless you are truly sending your member an informational letter, your message is better received with a message that is short and sweet!
2. SPAM FILTERS ARE THE DEVIL – Did you know you might be sending a lot of your emails to no-man’s land? SPAM filters look for key things to try to identify who may be soliciting inappropriately. For example, key words that you’re using and big images may be increasing the chances that your message is never seen! Learn what keywords increase your chances for your email to go to SPAM by clicking the below link.
SPAM Alert Words –
3. SO, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO AGAIN? – Do you have a clear message? Are you giving the member a clear direction? A good offer should have a “Call to Action”. For Example, “GET CREATIVE! Try ABC Financial’s Club Marketing Services.” This tells the reader they can be more creative if they use ABC’s Club Marketing Services.
4. YOU LEFT ME HANGING! – Any good offer or promotion extended in an email should allow the member to click to learn more. One of the biggest reasons why prospects may not be taking advantage of the offer is because they may be going to a landing page on your website where they have to figure out what’s next. Make sure your email is short and sweet but once they click to learn more, lead them to a place that gives them more detail and provides a simple way to sign up.
5. ARE YOU SURE YOU MEANT TO SEND THIS TO ME? – Everyone likes to get information that is relevant. Make sure that your letter or promo/offer is targeting a relevant segment of your members and not just to all members. Sending irrelevant messages reduces your chances to connect with that member in the future.
Email is one of the best ways to instantly communicate with club members. Take advantage of your resources here at ABC Financial’s Professional Services and let us help you tailor a winning Email Blast for your very next promotion. Contact your Account Executive for details or email us at