Make a BIG Splash with Your Members

July 29, 2014

By: Mary Craig

Retaining club members can be difficult; and that’s just one reason why our Birthday Card program was developed, and why it works so well. For a LIMITED TIME, we will customize your design for FREE to meet your needs!
Send these affordable mailers to all of your members and let them know how much you appreciate their business! Offer them a free PT Session or just simply say Happy Birthday. If you’re already using Birthday Cards, take advantage of our ability to customize your look for FREE! Either way, you can’t lose!
Here are some of the benefits:

  • Totally customizable to YOUR club
  • Automated and easy to get started
  • Designed for FREE (limited time offer)

17 Templates to Streamline Communication With Your Members in 2024


Don’t BELLYFLOP! Dive right in…right here…right now with our Birthday Card Program! Click HERE to get started today!