Staying Hydrated Before, During & After a Workout

julho 20, 2016

By: Ali Adcock

The heat and humidity can take a toll on your health and performance if you?re not careful. It?s important to learn the best practices of proper hydration before, during and after a workout, especially in the hot summer sun. Proper hydration can improve your blood flow to your muscles, lower your heart rate, and even control your body temperature. So, how much water should you be drinking?

Diet, physical activity, climate and muscle mass are all factors that determine how much water a person should consume. Athletes should consume more fluids, especially when performing in hot weather to prevent dehydration. It?s possible a typical gym-goer wouldn?t need as much fluids as a sports athlete. Either way, it?s crucial to stay properly hydrated during the hot summer months when working out.

Pre-workout Hydration

It?s never too early to start hydrating. The day before your workout or running any type of race, it?s important to begin your hydration regime. Lots of water and other nutrient-rich liquids like nonfat milk or 100% juices are great for hydrating.

Try drinking about 16 ounces of fluids about two hours prior to a workout to give your body time to process, as well as empty your bladder before your workout.  Keep in mind that if you?re participating in an athletic event where you?ll exercise intensely for longer than an hour, a small amount of a sports drinks with electrolytes is great to drink beforehand.

Workout Hydration

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While working out your body produces sweat causing fluid loss. During this time it?s important to try to drink about 10 ounces of fluids every 10-20 minutes.

Post-workout Hydration

Sweating causes a loss of sodium in the body, especially on hot and humid days. During heavy exercise and sweating it?s vital to replenish sodium levels after working out by consuming about 1 gram per hour. Sports drinks, eggs and cheese are a few ways to replace sodium loss. You should also drink about 16-24 ounces of water per pound of body weight that was lost during exercise.

Next time you plan your workout, keep these tips in mind to keep you hydrated. Stay up to date on more health and fitness tips by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e YouTube. To learn more about our club management software and billing services text DATATRAK to 87365, for Canadian numbers text to 88988.